Donating to Framasoft again
Framasoft “is a popular education network devoted mainly to free software”, according to Wikipedia. Above all, it’s a handful of volunteers who are having a remarkable impact on users with free, liberating and emancipating software.
The association has already proved its worth. It has spun off the CHATONS. From the outset, it has been promoting free and liberating tools. It succeeded in organising the development of an alternative Youtube with €50,000 to start with! The development of the alternative Youtube Peertube has continued ever since and reached a seventh version this year and an application for smartphones. Amongst other things, it has participated in the development of the events and meetings organisation platform Mobilizon. There has also been the development of Framaspace since 2022 for associations: a sort of Drive-alternative based on Nextcloud. A french conference held this year sums up the work done.
Framasoft also summarises its 2024 activity in figures and communicates regularly on its actions. It hosts free services based on free software such as Framadate, Framapad, Framalistes and Framagroupes, Framaforms, Framacalc, Framateams, [Framagit](https://framagit. org), Framacarte, Framatalk, Framindmap, Framavox, Framagenda, Framadrive or Framapiaf despite a reduction in these in previous years.
Framasoft is trying to avoid becoming a GAFAM, which means getting bigger and therefore reducing its services. To achieve this, the association spins off other projects such as the Collectif des Hébergeurs Alternatifs, Transparents, Ouverts, Neutres et Solidaires (Collective of alternative, transparent, open, neutral and supportive hosting providers, abbreviated kittens in french). It initiates other projects such as Peertube and Framaspace. Their added value lies in disseminating existing tools (by making them accessible). I can’t find their blog post about this, but the french comment by Bortzmeyer on Mastodon reports it.
These activities have been consistent since the association was founded, as shown by the 2023 report, the campaign to create Peertube, and initially the ”Ungoogle Internet’ campaign.
For all this, I make a donation (again this year). If you would also like to donate to Framasoft, a dedicated page exists.