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Nope post today

Hey nothing special today. I worked from 7:30 to 17:00. A 5-10 minute break is necessary every hour. A 45-minute lunch break is enough for me.

I didn’t feel very productive, even though I achieved my goal for the day: a JSON-based form builder whose specs are still unclear. The form schema is defined in JSON, then the user typings are stored as JSON in a database column. The schema and input formats will surely evolve over time as needs change. The specs at https://jsonforms.io/docs are useful. I see two limitations for my case:

It works anyway and I’m a bit tired. Call it a day!

One reason for this fatigue is surely my 6-hour night (instead of 8 hours). Another reason is my overconsumption of coffee over the last 3 days. I’ve doubled my intake since Monday, and was already taking more last week. A coffee is nice, but I have to limit myself to two a day. One today was enough. Cool!

I have to admit the homeoffice is convenient today. The time needed to commute can be allocated to something else. I can pet the cat from time to time and say hello to the rabbit several times a day.

Except work I rewrote some parts of the yesterday post ”A list of rust lang resources”. I overdid it by spending two hours there and going to bed so late, but I also wanted to write it so badly.

Setting aside time to invest in my principal residence was also part of the day. This is becoming increasingly important to me.

Anyway in order to write better posts in the future, I have to shorten this one and sleep well.