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Participating to the Weblog Posting Month 2024

Hey! I’ve still much drafts I want to finish and publish. I also discovered (yesterday!) that the webpomo starts today. Thanks RSS for that. Some writes about it since two days apparently and I want to try it. It will force me to write.

The Anne Green’s post explains exactly what the Weblog Posting Month is about. It’s simply cool, simple and fun. Some participants register themselves on the WeblogPoMo 2024 list. Anyone can participate by submitting the form or stay anonymous. So let’s write pages down! I will challenge myself to post daily in order to write. What will I write about? Things I want to write about, getting some drafts done and discover what I want to write about. Easy, fun and useful for me.

Most of the posts are shared on Mastodon with the Pomo! mastodon account. A simple tag #weblogpomo2024 does the job to share the post. The last toot from 18 minutes ago is about a cool post of Ben Daubney. What cool simply design with violet and yellow. It reminds me the design of the Astro Brutal theme by Elian Code, that I reuse to redesign the PasSage En Seine association website.

I’ve always like to write but not in school. A blog is a perfect place of free expression without constraints. Time flies and I don’t put the minimal effort to offer me this pleasure. It is only about time though because running a blog is cheap.

As Markus Heurung writes about it: WebPoMo is an opportunity to practice a foreign language. I also have to do something with my clunky written english.

Anyway see you everday of the month for new posts, and happy sharing on Mastodon.